Welcome to Widget Map 2.0!


Just like in V1.0, the data is taken from the Deltanet network planning and performance spreadsheet. Some people pointed out that certain fleet data was not appearing on the original map. I seem to have fixed the problem, but, of course, let me know if you don’t see anything showing up (Delta seems to love to hide new fleet variant codes in the spreadsheet without updating the overall variant code list on Deltanet).

As before, it does not display overnights; only the airports that each fleet touches for a given schedule. Also, I have added a new feature – the “Service To/From” filter displays the destinations that the selected airport services directly. For example, if “ATL” is selected, it will display every airport that has a direct flight to/from Atlanta for the given schedule. If two or more airports are selected, it will display EVERY airport that EITHER of the two selected airports has a direct flight to/from. For example, selecting “ATL” and “JFK” does NOT display the common airports shared by ATL and JFK, instead, it displays every airport with a direct flight to EITHER ATL or JFK.

I should be able to keep this updated on a monthly basis now as the upload process is significantly streamlined. It currently works very well on a computer or tablet (the phone layout is a bit small and clunky, which I don’t currently plan on putting any work into updating). Let me know if you have any comments or thoughts on how to improve it in a future version!